February 29th, 2016 | casting call
- Women
- Age: 15-35 ONLY
- Size: 0-8 ONLY
- Any Height
- Any Ethnicity
- Any Hair color
- **No weaves, wigs, extensions, braids, or relaxed hair**
- This is a paid booking.
- Booking this job may require changes to the length and color of your hair – PLEASE ONLY ATTEND THE CASTING IF YOU ARE OPEN TO THESE CHANGES.
- All models MUST be available for the show on Monday 3/21/16 (all day)!!
- If you meet these requirements, please bring your professional photos (composite card and/or portfolio book) and attend the casting below.
- BE SURE TO WEAR: all black, high heels, light make up, hair down
- PLEASE BRING a change of clothes in case you are chosen
- PARENTS must accompany models under 18
- ALL MODELS: Please indicate that you are with Seattle Talent so we can handle your payment!
Casting Call:
- Date: Sunday, March 20, 2016
- Time: 10:00am (no appointment necessary – DO NOT BE LATE)
- Location: Salon Zuberenz
3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd
Lynnwood, WA 98036